Deniz Arbet Nejbir is a Kurdish human rights activist and lawyer. He is an associate fellow at the Johns Hopkins of School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS-Europe, Italy. He is also employed as an assistant professor at Queen’s University Belfast School of Law. He received a full scholarship from both Ruskin College, Oxford and the [...]
Rüstü DEMIRKAYA Co-Founder Rüstü Demirkaya is currently a PhD Candidate in Political Sociology at the University of Geneva (UNIGE). He is multilingual, fluent in Kurdish, Turkish, French, and proficient in English, German, and Spanish. Demirkaya began his educational journey in Turkey, and further expanded his educational pursuits in Switzerland, undertaking a Certificate from the Institute [...]
Law graduate from the University of Lausanne in 2006, Hüsnü Yilmaz worked for a Swiss trade-union in Geneva as well as for the service of legal affairs for Inclusion Handicap in the Swiss Romandie in Lausanne. Following his articling in Lausanne, he became licensed attorney in 2012. Since then, he has opened his office and practices as an independent [...]
Radha D’SOUZA Prof. Dr. Radha D’SOUZA is a critical scholar, social justice activist, barrister and writer from India. She is Professor of International Law, Development and Conflict Studies at the University of Westminster. Before joining the academia D’Souza practiced as a barrister at the High Court of Bombay in India specialising in Constitutional law, administrative [...]
Rojin MUKRIYAN Rojin MUKRIYAN is a PhD candidate in the department of Government and Politics at University College Cork, Ireland. Her main research areas are in political theory and Middle Eastern politics, especially Kurdish politics. She has published articles in the Journal of International Political Theory, Philosophy and Social Criticism, and Theoria. Her research has [...]
Margaret OWEN OBE Advisor Margaret Owen OBE is a UK London based human rights barrister and a door tenant of 9 Bedford Row Chambers. She works internationally and domestically, at the UN and with other human rights NGOs, across a wide range of human rights issues as a lawyer and an activist. She co-chairs the [...]
Fatma ÖZDEMİR Fatma ÖZDEMİR is a Kurdish human rights lawyer from Turkey. She has previous experience as a practicing lawyer in Istanbul, as a consultant and representative of the Turkish People’s Democratic Party and as the co-chair of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (OHD). She has provided legal consultancy on national and international human [...]
Desmond FERNANDES Researcher Desmond Fernandes is a former Senior Lecturer in Human Geography and former Course Leader for the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (Law and Health Options) at De Montfort University, England. He specialises in issues and concerns relating to the Kurdish and other genocides, the criminalisation and securitisation of communities, the use of [...]
Franco Cavalli Prof. Dr. med. Franco Cavalli, born in 1942, was the Scientific Director of the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI) in Bellinzona (Switzerland) until 2017. He created this institute, which encompasses medical oncology, radio-oncology, nuclear medicine, palliative care, hematology and an important research division. He is currently still President of the Foundation, which [...]
Darren Dinsmore Co-Director Dr Darren Dinsmore in an Irish legal researcher who specialises in International Human Rights Law. Darren graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Law and Government) from the University of Ulster in 2002 and a Master of Laws (Human Rights Law) from Queen’s University Belfast in 2005. He successfully completed his doctoral studies [...]