Darren Dinsmore
Dr Darren Dinsmore in an Irish legal researcher who specialises in International Human Rights Law. Darren graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Law and Government) from the University of Ulster in 2002 and a Master of Laws (Human Rights Law) from Queen’s University Belfast in 2005. He successfully completed his doctoral studies at Queen’s University Belfast in 2012 on the topic ‘Forced Movement and International Human Rights Law: A Case-Study of the ECHR in Turkey’.
Darren has held teaching positions in the Law Schools at Queen’s University Belfast, Keele University and the University of Kent. He has undertaken legal training at Åbo Akademi University and the University of Cambridge and is completing a monograph on forced displacement in Turkey for Intersentia Publishing. His research interests include the historiography of human rights, gross and systematic violations of human rights, states of emergency and derogations, forced displacement, and political parties and free elections.