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Tom Hadden

Prof. Emiratus Tom Hadden was a lecturer in  law from 1967 to 1969 in the Faculty of Social Sciences at what was then the  University of Kent at Canterbury where he laid the foundation for his first major book Company Law and Capitalism. He returned to his native Northern Ireland in 1969 as the ‚troubles‘ erupted and worked until recently as a part-time lecturer and professor at the School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast, while at the same time founding and editing a political magazine, Fortnight: an Independent Review for Northern Ireland. He served on the Standing  Advisory Commission on Human Rights in the 1980s and was a Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission from 1999 to 2005.

His most recent academic work has been the production of collectively authored  research reports: A Responsibility to Assist: Human Rights Policy and Practice in European Union Conflict Management Operations (Hart 2009); The Belfast Guidelines on Amnesty and Accountability (Transitional Justice Institute 2013), and Fighting Corporate Abuse: Beyond Predatory Capitalism (Pluto 2014). He is currently working on what he calls the General Pendulum Theory of Human Rights and a possible new Geneva Convention or  Protocol on internationalised internal conflicts.