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Unrecognized Tragedy: The Call for Êzîdî Genocide Recognition

Today, we solemnly commemorate the ninth anniversary of the horrific genocide committed by ISIS against the Êzîdî community in the Sinjar region of Mosul on August 3, 2014. This relentless attack resulted in the death of thousands of Yazidis Kurds, while an estimated 6,410 people, primarily women and children, were captured. MESOPOTAMIA OBSERVATORY OF JUSTICE […]

Israeli strikes on Rafah: Call for respect of International Law

The Mojust Foundation (Mesopotamia Observatory of Justice) expresses its deepest indignation and concern over the recent Israeli strikes targeting a displaced persons camp in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, resulting in the death of numerous civilians. This act constitutes a flagrant and severe violation of international humanitarian law. LIRE EN FRANCAIS The Israeli offensive in […]

In memoriam for the victims of Armenian Genocide

April 24th marks the 109th anniversary of Metz Yeghern -the Great Evil – when more than one million men, women, and children were exterminated by the ottoman nationalist government in Mesopotamia. Armenian Genocide in 1915 was a prelude to a series of other mass-atrocity crimes such as deportations, ethnic cleansing, mass murders, forced migrations and […]

Mojust remembers solemnly the massacre of Halabja

The Mesopotamia Observatory of Justice, Mojust, remembers solemnly the mass massacre perpetrated on March 16, 1988 in the Kurdish town of Halabja in Iraq by former dictator Saddam Hussein’s forces.  Facing the artillery and air strikes, Kurdish forces had withdrawn to the surrounding zone, leaving behind 5’000 women, children and the elderly who were killed thereafter […]

In memoriam for the victims of Dersim Genocide

On 4 May 1937, the Council of Ministers of Turkey, in close collaboration with the General Staff of Turkish Army decided secretly on a forceful attack against the Alevi Kurdish population of Dersim, to kill all Kurds who resisted to the forced assimilation policies and to deport the civilian surviving population according to the 1934 […]

Tremblement de terre : Drame humanitaire et crimes de masse

Le 6 février 2023, deux tremblements de terre ont frappé la Turquie et la Syrie et ont fait des dizaines de milliers de morts et de blessés. Des villages et des villes sont entièrement détruits et des centaines de milliers de personnes sont devenues sans abri dans des conditions hivernales difficiles. Nous sommes témoins de […]

Tsitsekun*: The Circassian genocide will neither be forgotten nor forgiven !

« What happened was a terrible tragedy, but it wasn’t intentional » « …to suppress the mountain people and to obliterate disobedient. » How many times have we listened these sayings taken from the cliche-box of the genocide denial? So were they used also to talk apologetically about the Circassian genocide. The indigenous peoples of […]

Criminalization of Lawyers in Turkey: Mojust Submission to the United Nations

Today the Mesopotamia Observatory of Justice submitted a communication to the United Nations expressing our serious concern about continuing attacks on lawyers in Turkey. We urge the UN Special Rapporteurs on Independence of Judges and Lawyers, on Human Rights Defenders, on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and on the Promotion […]