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In memoriam for the victims of Dersim Genocide

In memoriam for the victims of Dersim Genocide

On 4 May 1937, the Council of Ministers of Turkey, in close collaboration with the General Staff of Turkish Army decided secretly on a forceful attack against the Alevi Kurdish population of Dersim, to kill all Kurds who resisted to the forced assimilation policies and to deport the civilian surviving population according to the 1934 […]

Tremblement de terre : Drame humanitaire et crimes de masse

Tremblement de terre : Drame humanitaire et crimes de masse

Le 6 février 2023, deux tremblements de terre ont frappé la Turquie et la Syrie et ont fait des dizaines de milliers de morts et de blessés. Des villages et des villes sont entièrement détruits et des centaines de milliers de personnes sont devenues sans abri dans des conditions hivernales difficiles. Nous sommes témoins de […]

On the current events in Iran and Rojhilat

On the current events in Iran and Rojhilat

The history of the Kurds indicates that betrayal and treachery has played an essential role in their domination over at least the last four centuries. In this short paper, I claim that the Kurdish people should reflect on the death of Jîna Emînî (Mahsa Amini), and the current events in Iran, from a political realist […]

The Law, « Othered » Asylum seekers and the UK

The Law, « Othered » Asylum seekers and the UK

In an interview, Margaret Owen OBE, a barrister, international women’s human rights activist, patron of Peace in Kurdistan and founder and president of Widows for Peace and Democracy (WPD) and advisor at Mojust, explained why Suella Braverman’s position as UK’s home secretary is untenable, given the asylum policies and practices she has overseen, which have […]

Turkey’s destruction of Kurdish cemeteries

Turkey’s destruction of Kurdish cemeteries

A recently published report of mine – ‘Turkey’s Destruction of Kurdish Graves’ – published by the Mesopotamia Observatory of Justice (Mojust) and the Turkey based Özgürlük için Hukukçular Derneği (Association of Lawyers for Freedom – ÖHD) provides, for the first time, an unprecedented account of Turkey’s acts of destruction that have been directed against Kurdish […]

Persecution of human rights defenders in Turkey

Persecution of human rights defenders in Turkey

Friday’s conviction of four human rights defenders of terrorism charges in Istanbul continues the pattern of prosecutions designed to restrict human rights defenders and silence critical voices. These baseless convictions are consistent with the recent warning of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, of a politicised Turkish judiciary criminalising legitimate and peaceful […]

Three opposition MPs in Turkey removed from office and arrested

Three opposition MPs in Turkey removed from office and arrested

Three opposition MPs in Turkey had their parliamentary immunity revoked and were arrested on Thursday in a re-opening of the Government’s campaign against the democratic mandate. The announcement in parliament prompted shock, anger and protests among People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputies. This latest disregard for the expression of the will […]

The legacy of state of emergency rule in Turkey

The legacy of state of emergency rule in Turkey

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed our lives and enjoyment of rights. The now-familiar curfews and other restrictions are, in principle, permissible under human rights law (see here and here). Nonetheless, there are many unresolved questions (see here and here) and, for some, the pandemic-emergency is an opportunity to weaken democratic institutions and set permanent […]